pondelok, 10. marec 2025
Domov Tagy Muller Martini

Značka: Muller Martini

Oppermann Replaces Two SLS3000 Lines by a ProLiner

Oppermann Druck und Verlag GmbH & Co. KG is replacing the two SLS3000 lines that have been in operation at its mailroom in the...

Muller Martini’s Finishing 4.0 Solution Wins the 2017 Swiss Industry...

Muller Martini, the innovative, Zofingen-based machine manufacturer, had the great honor of being presented with the 2017 Swiss Industry 4.0 Award for its Finishing...

IFRA in Berlin: Muller Martini demonstrates the efficient processing of...

At the IFRA World Publishing Expo in Berlin, everything will be about the topic of “efficient processing of inserts” at the Muller Martini booth...

BuLu Ensures Customer Loyalty with High-Quality and Durable Binding

The Lustenau book printing plant (BuLu) has gained a unique combination of advantages by investing in a Muller Martini Alegro perfect binder. Environmentally-friendly PUR...