Značka: Muller Martini
Generálny riaditeľ Bruno Müller oslavuje úspech na drupe
„Drupa 2024 je za nami a sme ohromení skvelým ohlasom! V našom stánku počas jedenástich dní veľtrhu sme mali veľa návštevníkov, atmosféra bola skvelá...
“Exactly What We Need”
Schätzl Druck & Medien GmbH & Co. KG in the German town of Donauwörth is investing in the hardcover book block solution showcased by...
“Finishing 4.0 is Our Future”
The Vareo perfect binder and the InfiniTrim three-knife trimmer provide the optimal touchless workflow environment at Printondemand-worldwide.com, prompting Muller Martini to honor the English...
Finishing 4.0 At Its Best
Xerox GmbH in Norderstedt near Hamburg produces its numerous ultra-short runs using two Vareo/InfiniTrim inline duos. Muller Martini has honored the German book-on-demand pioneer...