Muller Martini takes over the perfect binding and bookline business from Kolbus. This includes also the service and spare parts business for all Kolbus bookbinding systems installed worldwide. Kolbus sets the focus on the packaging and case making business, parts manufacturing and the foundry business.
“Structural change has changed the graphic arts industry in recent years and our market has become much smaller and versatile at once”, says Bruno Müller, CEO of Muller Martini. “Customers need innovations on a regular basis, which have to be financed with lower sales quantities. Above all, our customers benefit from the efficiency gains bringing together the bookbinding activities.”
The market changes are directly affecting our customers, which are faced with new business models like digitization. By combining the potentials for success like personnel, know-how, technology and infrastructure of the two companies, Muller Martini can provide the market with innovative solutions in the long term. “This secures the future of the softcover and hardcover business of both the customers and the two machine manufacturers – and thus also jobs in the graphic arts industry”, Bruno Müller says.
Continued Production in Rahden
The bookbinding business of Kolbus is transferred to the new business unit Müller Martini Buchbinde-Systeme GmbH, which will be integrated into the Muller Martini group with all dedicated employees as an independent factory with domicile in Rahden.
Kolbus will remain under the direction of CEO Kai Büntemeyer. With 900 employees, Kolbus sets the focus on the packaging and case making business, parts manufacturing and the foundry business.
Kai Büntemeyer is convinced that with this step Kolbus creates good opportunities for a successful future: “In recent years, the packaging market was growing consistently. We see a good potential and will vigorously expand our current activities in this business. There are also very good perspectives in the segment of component manufacturing for sophisticated mechanical engineering companies including Müller Martini Buchbinde-Systeme GmbH and Kolbus Luxury Packaging.”
Machine Portfolio and Know-how Remains
The know-how of the Kolbus machine portfolio is taken over, backed up and further developed by Muller Martini. The approximately 250 Kolbus employees from the bookbinding department will be taken over by Muller Martini in Rahden at the same employment conditions. The staff in the packaging and case maker segments will continue to work for Kolbus.
About Müller Martini
Muller Martini, a family business that was founded in 1946, has its headquarters in the city of Zofingen (in the Swiss canton of Aargau) and is with 1800 employees active in the development and production of industrial system solutions for print finishing. The full range of graphic arts publications, from softcover and hardcover books through to magazines, catalogues, mailshots and newspapers, is produced worldwide using Muller Martini systems.
About Kolbus
Kolbus GmbH & Co. KG, whose establishment goes back to the year 1775, has its headquarters in the eastwestfalien town of Rahden and has three more sites in Gerabronn (Baden-Württemberg), Krostitz (Saxony) and Kalamazoo (Michigan). In the future, Kolbus will produce a large spectrum of case makers and machine modules for tight packaging from cardboard and paper – especially for the luxury goods market. Kolbus also has an ultra-modern factory with foundry and metal working and has been a supplier of the high technology machine construction in Germany and other countries for many years.
Press Release: Muller Martini AG